#20 Impact 2.1 - How to structure it w. guests Melanie Büscher and Barbara Spano - The Timeline Series (13)

I have reached to the writing phase in The Timeline Series and will now dig into the Impact section. The Impact section has two distinct sections: one on results and impact (2.1) and one on how to share results and spread them (2.2). I have therefore decided to record two episodes covering 2.1 Project’s pathways towards impact and two episodes covering 2.2 Measures to maximize impact.

I have written a handful of Impact sections myself, but to get critical mass on the guidance I have invited Team Lead of Research Support at the IT University in Copenhagen Melanie Büscher and Danish NCP and Chief Consultant in The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science Barbara Spano – both Advisory Board members of The Grant. They both have more than a decade of experience in facilitating roles as NCPs and university project support offices which means they have evaluated countless proposals. They helped me digging into Impact section 2.1.

This is the second part of the double episode on Impact section 2.1 Project’s pathways towards impact. Here we reflect and discuss how to best structure the input for the section when putting pen to paper and how to get the best out of the partners that often find it hard to deal with this specific - but crucial - chapter.This episode contains advice, tips and tricks needed when you start to write this section. Anyone who is writing or is about to write an Impact section is recommended to listen to this episode.

Time codes:

00:00:00 Challenges to gather info and develop section

00:21:35 Tables vs. text

00:28:54 Space optimization

00:33:20 Scale and significance

Further help and links

The Grant Hub with links to resources

Connect with Barbara Spano on LinkedIn

Connect with Melanie Büscher on LinkedIn

Link to EuroCenter (DK NCP organisation)