#60 Utilizing project results w. guest Catherine Collins

For many many years there has been an imbalance between all the funding for projects and efforts carried out in these projects versus the actual utilization of the project results after the projects end. The EU Commission has over many years tried to deal with this fundamental and critical imbalance in the whole funding-based system.

I was reminded of this when I saw a post on LinkedIn by Catherine Collins, freelance science journalist, writing for among several Horizon Magazine, Science Business, Science Calling and EU Observer. The post was pushing an article she had written on a new concept that The EU Commission has initiated to utilize results from funded projects – a hackathon where anyone with an interest and capacity to work with the data where invited to make their bid on how to utilize data from former concrete EU projects.

I therefore invited Catherine into the virtual podcast studio for a talk about her article and about this paradox that has been prevailing for decades in the EU funding system – lots of funding, but many results never being used. But also on all the things that the EU Commission has actively done to overcome the paradox.

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Catherine Collins' Science Business article on EU hackathons