#74 & #75 Horizon Results Booster - Fixing impact w. guest Alessia M. Germini

The impact problem is a constant. Making sure that the projects that are being funded moves on into self-sustainable initiatives post-project is not as easy as it seems. Or at least as simple as the EU Commission THOUGHT that it would be.

Back in episode #60 I had freelance science journalist Catherine Collins in the studio where we talked about the EU Commissions initiatives to get project results out and working in the free normal non-funding world. Here we touched upon the initiative Horizon Results Booster funded by the EU Commission itself.

The initiative is headed by META Group and I invited CEO and Senior Expert Alessia Melasecche Germini into the virtual podcast studio to have a talk about this impact support initiative. The core idea of the Horizon Results Booster is to give an extra push to former and running framework programme projects with spreading the results, exploring the results, developing business plans and go-to-market strategies. Only admission ticket you need to have is that you are or have been running a framework programme project. And it is free.

It became a long talk, so the episode is divided into two. In the first half we talk a little bit about the issue of getting project results into the real work and Alessia shares the background of the Horizon Results Booster and how you apply to get access. Further, she shares how the support to projects are organized and we dig into the first chunk of the three different support mechanisms focusing on dissemination and exploitation strategy.

In the second half, we cover the rest of the support initiative namely: on exploitation, business plans and go-to-market strategies. Further, we have a talk about the status of the initiative and how they have reached their goals within the Horizon Results Booster initiative.

This is really great content and guidance for all project owners and partners that would like to get an extra hand to secure getting the most out of their EU funded project.

Time codes (part 1):

00:04:19 Introduction

00:09:54 Fly in to the problem of impact

00:17:54 Horizon Results Booster introduction

00:35:36 The supportive tools: Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation strategy

Time codes (part 2)

00:03:03 Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation strategy (cont.)

00:15:29 Business plan development

00:28:13 Go-to-market

00:40:48 The impact results of the HRB

00:52:48 The toughest challenge

Further help and links

Horizon Results Booster

Connect with Alessia Melasecche Germini on LinkedIn