#9 Completing the consortium - The Timeline series (7)

In this seventh episode of The Timeline Series I move into the area of completing the comsortium.

When the partners agree to join you need to formally get them onboard. Now is also the time where you need to get your practical organisation in place if you haven't already set up your systems. I share how I deal with my organisation when I coordinate these processes.

Further, I share how you get from draft consortium to final consortium including all the difficulties you will most likely run into getting the final confirmations. In the end of this episode I will cover the consortium meetings you need to have where content and practical discussions will be carried out. I share the typical agenda points that I have when preparing my power point slides.

The episode is filled with practical advice on how to deal with this part of the process.

Further help and links

Link to The Grant Hub with entries to support sites

Connect with Niels Tudor-Vinther on LinkedIn